Event Calendar | Center for the Humanities | University of Miami


Chrissy Arce

Associate Professor of Spanish
University of Miami

México’s Nobodies:
The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women


8:00 PM
Books & Books
Public Invited

México’s Nobodies examines two key figures in Mexican history that have remained anonymous despite their proliferation in the arts: the soldadera and the figure of the mulata. Chrissy Arce unravels the stunning paradox evident in the simultaneous erasure (in official circles) and ongoing fascination (in the popular imagination) with the nameless people who both define and fall outside of traditional norms of national identity. The book traces the legacy of these extraordinary figures in popular histories and legends, the Inquisition, ballads such as “La Adelita” and “La Cucaracha,” iconic performers like Toña la Negra, and musical genres such as the son jarocho and danzón. This study is the first of its kind to draw attention to art’s crucial role in bearing witness to the rich heritage of blacks and women in contemporary México.

Chrissy Arce is Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Miami. She works on issues of race and gender in Mexican, Caribbean, and Brazilian cultural production and has a vital interest in immigration and non-Western epistemologies. She has published articles in such journals as Callaloo and Aztlán.
