Academic Programs

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One of the central missions of the Center is its administration of Research Fellowships for faculty, and graduate students writing their dissertations. The year-long research colloquia provide a scholarly forum for fellows to present their work to one another for discussion and critique.

This annual award, which carries a $500 prize, has been established with the generous support of Guido Ruggiero, Professor of History, in memory of his brother, David John Ruggiero.

The Center also sponsors Interdisciplinary Research Groups, which bring together faculty and graduate students from different departments and disciplines as well as from other universities to pursue shared scholarly projects or themes.

The Center for the Humanities sponsors workshops on matters of professional interest for faculty and graduate students. These workshops provide information and insights on topics such as writing grant applications for research fellowships and preparing a scholarly book manuscript for publication.

The Center for the Humanities engages with undergraduate students with initiatives throughout the academic year and is open to embarking on new outreach possibilities. The Center fosters undergraduate students' interest in the humanities by inviting them to its programming; greeting first-year students at the University of Miami Libraries Orientation in the Fall and Spring semesters; and coordinating the Humanities Hub with RCIF and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Community Outreach where faculty members and students answer undergraduates' questions about disciplines and careers in the humanities.

Faculty Funding

Graduate Funding

Undergraduate Funding

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Community Outreach

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Community Outreach supports the larger University of Miami mission to “transform lives through education, research, innovation, and service.”

 for information about funding, conferences, and other undergraduate research resources.
