Event Calendar | Center for the Humanities | University of Miami

William Germano

Professor of English, The Cooper Union

4:30pm - 5:30pm

"Archive of Information, Archive of Ideas"

Exective Board Room, Nursing School
For UM Faculty & Graduate Students
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10:00am - 12:00pm

The Professional Scholarly Writer:
A writing and publishing seminar for academic authors

Ashe 427
For UM Faculty & Graduate Students
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William Germano is author of Getting It Published: a Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books (University of Chicago Press, 3/e 2016) and From Dissertation to Book (University of Chicago Press, 2/e 2013). He writes a biweekly blog for the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Lingua Franca blog; he has also published essays on writing and publishing in the Chronicle and elsewhere. Other books: The Tales of Hoffmann (BFI Film Classics, 2013), on Powell and Pressburger’s 1951 opera-film, and Eye Chart (Bloomsbury, 2017), a short cultural history of visual measurement. During a first career as a scholarly publisher, he worked as editor-in-chief of Columbia University Press and as vice-president and publishing director at Routledge, a position he held for nineteen years.
