Atlantic Narratives Symposium

The College of Arts & Sciences Center for the Humanities at the University of Miami and
the College of Arts & Sciences at Florida International University present
Atlantic Narratives
A two-day symposium organized by the Atlantic Studies Research Group at UM 
Admission to all panels is free of charge and open to the public.
Atlantic Narratives Symposium
This symposium will examine the production and reception of narratives in and about the
Atlantic world in the period up to the mid-nineteenth century. We will consider the authors and subjects as well as the practices and theories that have informed --and continue to inform--the writing of Atlantic narratives.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Florida International University
The Café, The Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Atlantic Enlightenments

Those attending this session are encouraged to read the precirculated papers in advance; when you register for the session you will receive by e-mail the username and password to access the posted papers. Then click on the author icon below and enter the security codes for a PDF version of the paper.

Chair: Yvette Piggush (FIU)
  1. "Reflections on the Revolution in St Domingue/Haiti: The Treatise that Edmund Burke Almost Wrote” Sunil Agnani (Illinois-Chicago)
  2. "Achille’s Last Stand: An Atlantic Narrative That Wasn’t” Christopher Hodson (Brigham Young)
      View Paper
  3. “Refractions: Aspects of an Atlantic Enlightenment” William Nelson (Miami)
Respondent: Frank Palmeri (Miami)

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Opening Reception

Friday, February 5, 2010
University of Miami
College of Arts and Sciences Gallery / Wesley Center

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Complimentary Coffee and Continental Breakfast

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

History & Memory in Atlantic Narratives

Chair: Jenna Gibbs (FIU)
  1. “Lost Archives, Caribbean Studies, and the Ends of the Atlantic” Christopher Iannini (Rutgers)
  2. “Music, History and (Science) Fiction: Philip Glass's The Voyage and the Operatic Lives of Christopher Columbus” José Jouve-Martín (McGill)
  3. “Rupture, Dislocation, and the Ontology of Atlantic Slavery.” James Sweet (Wisconsin-Madison)

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Intercolonial Atlantic Narratives

Chair: George Yúdice (Miami)
  1. “Translation and Oblivion” Anna Brickhouse (Virginia)
  2. “Autonomy and ‘el Auto’: Women's Legal Petitions in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish Atlantic” Bianca Premo (FIU)
  3. “Intercolonial Captivity Narratives” Lisa Voigt (Ohio State)

4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Closing Roundtable

Chair: Yvette Piggush (FIU)
Participants & audience
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Closing Reception

Sponsored by:

fiu arts and sciences logo

FIU Department of History
FIU Department of English
FIU African and African Diaspora Studies
FIU Department of History Graduate Student Association
FIU Graduate English Association
FIU Atlantic History Seminar

um center for the humanities logo

UM American Studies Program
UM Department of English
UM Department of History
The Joseph Carter Memorial Fund of
the UM Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
UM Center for Latin American Studies

Atlantic Narratives Symposium organizing committee members: Yvette Piggush (FIU), Bianca Premo (FIU), Tim Watson (UM), Ashli White (UM)

Illustration provided by Department of Special Collections, Richter Library, University of Miami
