Past Fellows

The Research Fellowships bring together faculty and advanced graduate students (writing dissertations) in order to enable scholarly exchanges that cross departmental and disciplinary boundaries. Fellows participate in a research colloquium, chaired by the Center's Director, that meets regularly throughout the academic year; each meeting focuses on the project of one of the fellows.

Past Research Fellowships

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  • 2022-2023 Fellows

    2022-2023 Faculty Fellows


    Gabrielle Cornish (Musicology) 

    Socialist Noise: Sound and Soviet Identity After Stalin

    Max Fraser (History)

    The Hillbilly Highway: Transappalachia and the Making of a White Working Class

    Gema Pérez-Sánchez (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    Transnational Queer Affects and Activism: Literary and Visual Public Interventions in Spanish Culture in the 1970s and 2000s

    Kate Ramsey (History)

    Haitian Vodou Objects and Museum Collecting During and Following the U.S. Occupation of Haiti (1915-1934)

    Suja Sawafta (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    The Dialectic of the Sea and the Desert: Exile, Commitment, and Dissent in the Novels of Abdulrahman Munif


    2022-2023 Dissertation Fellows



    Preston Taylor Stone (English

    Ghosts Coalition: Spectrality and Protest in Multiethnic American Cultures

    Nicole Sintes (History)

    Space, Networks, and Strategies of Power in Queen Isabel of Portugal's Household (1526-1539)

  • 2021-2022 Fellows

    2021-2022 Faculty Fellows


    Susanna Allés-Torrent (Modern Languages and Literatures) 

    The Reception of Italian Life Writing in Early Modern Iberia  

    Pamela Geller (Anthropology)

    Your Obedient Servant: The Sociopolitics of the Samuel G. Morton Crania Collection

    Ager Gondra (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    The Effects of Language Revitalization and Standardization on the Identity of Minority Language Speakers: The Case of Basque

    Marina Magloire (English)

    We Pursue Our Magic: Vodou Feminism from the Harlem Renaissance to Black Girl Magic

    Chrissy Arce (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    Mulattas in the Vortex of the Mexican Inquisition: The Case of Antonia de Soto.

    Henry Green (Religious Studies)

    The Sephardi Voices Archives: Arab Jews and Human Rights

    Cae Joseph-Masséna (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    The Eziliphonic Text: Voice, Vodou and Afrosonic Feminism in Contemporary Haitian Women Writers’ Fiction


    2021-2022 Dissertation Fellows



    Jacob Brannum (History

    The Power of Negotiation: Authority and Social Organization in Fourteenth-Century Venice (1348-1381)

    Monica Faust Figueroa (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    Confederates and Brazilian Self-Fashioning in Brazil's Nineteenth-Century Discourse on Race and Abolition

    Tiffany L. Fajardo (English)

    "A Modernism of One's Own: Speculative Sexuality in Radclyffe Hall, Virginia Woolf, and Djuna Barnes, 1928"

  • 2020-2021 Fellows

    2020-2021 Faculty Fellows

    Richard Chappell (Philosophy) 

    Bleeding-Heart Consequentialism 

    Christina Civantos (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    Confined Solidarity: A Connected Cultural History of Cuba, Spanish North Africa, and Morocco


    John Funchion (English)

    Insurgent Fictions: Partisans and the Art of Information Warfare in Early U.S.

    Karl Gunther (History)

    The Courtier's Commentaries: Belief and the Bible in the Early English Reformation

    Scott Heerman (History)

    Carried Back: Black Kidnapping and State Formation, 1750-1870

    Yolanda Martinez-San Miguel (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    Overseas Archipelagoes: Comparative Insular and Colonial Studies 


    Marysol Quevedo  (Musicology)

    Cuban Music Counterpoints: Classical Music Networks Before and During the Cold War

    Patricia Saunders

    Patricia Saunders (English)

    Social Death and Haptic Visuality: Ebony Patterson's Three King's Weep (2018)

    Chappell Helen

    Helen Yetter-Chappell (Philosophy)

    Realist Idealism: A World of Sensation 


    2019-2020 Dissertation Fellows

    Gabriella Faundez-Rojas (History

    Conquest and Hagiography: Rewriting Saints After the Norman Conquest 

    Dainerys Machado-Vento (Modern Languages and Literatures)

    The International Mediatization of Cuban Literature (2006 - 2018)

  • 2019-2020 Fellows

    2019-2020 Faculty Fellows

    Michael Bernath (History) 

    In a Land of Strangers: Nothern Teachers in the Old South 

    Anjan Chakravartty (Philosophy)

    Scientific Disagreement, Rationality, and Society 

    Evelina Galang (English)

    Beautiful Sorrow, Beautiful Sky

    Erica Moiah James (Art and Art History)

    Decolonizing Time: Haitian Portaiture and Epistemologies of Vision 

    2019-2020 Dissertation Fellows

    Lorella Di Gregorio (Modern Languages and Literatures- Fall Fellow

    The Global Journey of Mexican and Southern Italian Cultural Products in the Time of Flows

    Lilianne Lugo Herrera (Modern Languages and Literatures - Spring Fellow)

    Mediated Archipelagoes: Theater, Women, and Media

    Nelson Marques (History- Spring Fellow)

    Heroes of their Own Lives: Warfare and Identity in the Portuguese Atlantic, 1624-1668

    Paige Miller (English- Spring Fellow)

    Multilingual Modernisms: Beyond English in James Joyce, G.V. Desani, Samuel Beckett, and Jean Rhys

  • 2018-2019 Fellows

    2018-2019 Faculty Fellows

    Brit Brogaard (Philosophy)
    Character as Constituent of Personality

    Rebecca Doran (MLL)
    The Embodied Anomaly: The Emergence and Option of Fuyao

    Eduardo Elena (History)
    Conquering Distance: Argentina and the Fortunes of Steam-Age Globalization, 1860-1910

    Catherine Newell (Religious Studies)
    Darwin’s Diet and St. Francis’s Menagerie: Religion, Science, and Spiritual Enlightenment Through Food

    Mark Rowlands (Philosophy)
    What is a Mental Content?

    Allison Schifani (MLL)
    Imagining the City Burning: Speculative Urban Practice and Play in the 21st Century Americas


    2018-2019 Dissertation Fellows

    Gill Mozer (English - Fall)
    Writing Transgender Across Genre: Nonbinary and Trans Influences on Narrative Forms (1968-2018)

    Anne Schmalstig (English - Fall)
    Slow Resilience: Narrative Resistance to Climate Crisis in Environmental Speculative Fictions

    Anna Bennett (History - Spring) 
    From Stregheria to Sortilegui: The Materiality of Magic in Baroque Venice

  • 2017-2018 Fellows

    2017-2018 Faculty Fellows

    Thumbnail photo of Juan Chattah, Center for the Humanities Faculty Fellow 2017-2018

    Juan Chattah (Musicology)
    Film Music: From Cognition to Interpretation

    Tracy Devine-Guzman, Center for the Humanities Faculty Fellow 2017-2018

    Tracy Devine-Guzman (MLL)
    Transcontinental Indigeneities: Americas and the Global South

    Simon Evnine - photo for BookTalk at Books & Books
    Simon Evnine (Philosophy)
    A Certain Gesture: Evnine’s Batman Memes and their Parerga!

    Catherine Judd thumbnail photo - Center for the Humanities Faculty Fellow 2017-2018
    Irish Poverty and the Irish Famine: Literary Representations of the 'Irish Question' and the Great Hunger 1825-1890

    Brenna Munro (thumbnail) Center for the Humanities Faculty Fellow 2017-2018

    Brenna Munro (English)
    Writing Sexuality in Transnational Times: The Queer Nigerian Present

    Dominique Reill, Center for the Humanities Faculty Fellow 2017-2018

    Dominique Reill (History)
    Rebel City: Fiume's Challenge to Wilson's Europe

    Lindsay Thomas photo for 2017-18 faculty fellow & Digital Humanities IRG co-conveners

    Lindsay Thomas (English)
    Training for Catastrophe: Fiction, Preparedness, and the Management of the Future

    2017-2018 Dissertation Fellows

    Sarah Cash, Center for the Humanities Dissertation Fellow 2017-2018

    Sarah Cash (English - Fall)Inharmonic Resonsance: The Temporality of Music in Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century

    Hadassah St. Hubert (thumbnail photo), Center for the Humanities Dissertation Fellow 2017-2018

    Hadassah St. Hubert (History - Fall)
    Visions of a Modern Nation: Haiti at the World's Fairs

    Stephanie Skenyon, Center for the Humanities Dissertation Fellow 2017-2018
    Stephanie Skenyon (History - Spring) 
    Local Boundaries, Cloistered Communities, and Inner Selves: Monastic Identities in Twelfth-Century England

  • 2016-2017 Fellows

    Click below to listen to the podcasts:

     Kathryn Freeman (English) - thumbnail photo

    Kathryn Freeman (English)

    Linking gender, creativity, and epistemology in Coleridge’s poetics, “The New Moon with the Old Moon in her Arms”: Phases of the Poetic Imagination in Coleridge

    John Kirby  (Classics)

    Comparative Classics East and West

    Karen Mathews (Art & Art History), 2016-2017 Humanities Faculty Fellow


    Karen Mathews (Art & Art History)

    Mapping, Materiality, and Merchant Culture in Late Medieval Italy

    Martin Nesvig (History), 2016-2017 Humanities Faculty Fellow


    Martin Nesvig (History)

    The Promiscuity of Power: Imperial Designs and Local Factionalism in Colonial Western Mexico

    Aleksandra Perisic, 2016-2017 Humanities Faculty Fellow (MLL)

    Aleksandra Perisic (MLL)
    Atlantic Crossings: Literature and Immigration in the Age of Globalization

    Jessica Rosenberg (English), 2016-2017 Humanities Faculty Fellow

    Jessica Rosenberg (English)
    Botanical Publics: Horticulture and Textual Culture in Early Modern England

    Profile Photo of Robyn Walsh, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies

    Robyn Walsh (Religious Studies)
    The Beginnings of Gospel Literature

    Ashli White (History), 216-2017 Humanities Faculty Fellow

    Ashli White (History)
    Object Lessons of the Revolutionary Atlantic

    2016-2017 Dissertation Fellows

    Alok Amatya (English), 2016-2017 Humanities Dissertation Fellows

    Alok Amatya (English - Fall)

    Framing Resource Conflicts: Indigenous Rights in Environmental Justice Literatures of the Global South

    Allison Harris, 2016-17 Humanities Dissertation Fellow

    Allison Harris (English - Fall)
    Cartographies of Social Death: Abjection and the American Dispossessed

    Drewry Wofford (History), 2016-17 Center for the Humanities Dissertation Fellow

    Drewry Wofford (History - Spring) 

    History at the Speed of Sound
    The Intersection of National and Transnational Histories: a Case Study

  • 2015 - 2016 Fellows

    2015-2016 Faculty Fellows

    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2016

    Listen to the podcasts:

    iTunes image icon for podcasts  Session 1

    iTunes image icon for podcasts  Session 2

     Session 3


     Stephen Di Benedetto

    Stephen Di Benedetto (Theatre Arts)
    The Actuation of the Playful Performance (Design)

    [Thumbnail Photo] Amina Gautier, 2015-16 Humanities Faculty Fellow

    Amina Gautier  (English)
    Even Bearing Gifts

    Thumbnail Photo - Joel Nickels, 2015-2016 Humanities Faculty Fellow.

    Joel Nickels (English)

    The Imaginary International: Literature and Nonstate Space

    Thumbnail Photo - Justin Ritzinger, 2015-16 Humanities Faculty Fellow

    Justin Ritzinger (Religious Studies)
    Anarchy in the Pure Land: Tradition, Modernity, and the Reinvention of the Cult of Maitreya in Republican China

    Thumbnail Photo - Guido Ruggiero, 2015-16 Humanities Faculty Fellow

    Guido Ruggiero (History)
    Ever Green: Love and Emotions in Boccaccio and the Italian Renaissance

    Thumbnail Photo - Hugh Thomas, 2015-16 Humanities Faculty Fellow

    Hugh Thomas (History)
    A Social and Cultural History of the Court of King John, 1199-1216

    2015-2016 Dissertation Fellows

    Thumbnail Photo - Valerie Chamorro, 2015-16 Humanities Dissertation Fellow

    Valerie Chamorro (History - Fall)

    Occupied France: Local Experience and National Authority Under Foreign Rule in the Nineteenth Century

    Thumbnail Photo - Nihel Hsien-Chieh Jhou, 2015-16 Humanities Dissertation Fellow

    Nihel Hsien-Chieh Jhou (Philosophy- Fall)
    Reviving the Transient Present in a Relativistic Universe: a Novel Approach

    Thumbnail Photo - Jennifer Garcon, 2015-16 Humanities Dissertation Fellow

    Jennifer Garcon (History - Spring) 

    Transnational Politics of the Haitian Press, 1971-1986

  • 2014-2015 Fellows

    2014-2015 Faculty Fellows

    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2016 & THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016

      2014 - 2015 Humanities Fellows Symposium Poster

    Download the Podcasts:

     Part 1 - Sessions 1 & 2 (February 12, 2016)

     Heather Diack
    Heather Diack (Art & Art History)
    Framing Doubt: Photography, Conceptual Art, and Contemporary Uncertainty

    Pamela Geller  (Anthropology)
    The Archaeology of Common Sense: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Antiquity

    Laura Giannetti
    Laura Giannetti  (Modern Languages and Literatures)
    Food Culture and the Literary Imagination in Renaissance Italy

    Sallie Hughes
    Sallie Hughes (Communications)
    Mediated Belonging and the Security of Home

    Mary Lindemann
    Mary Lindemann (History)
    Charlotte’s Web: Incest, History, and the Literary Imagination

    Deborah Schwartz-Kates
    Deborah Schwartz-Kates (Musicology)
    Revealing Screens: The Film Music of Alberto Ginastera

    2014-2015 Dissertation Fellows

    Ashley Marie Mateiro
    Ashley Marie Mateiro (History - Fall)
    Lubricating the Wheels of Colonialism and Capitalism: 
    Gulf Oil Corporation, the Black Protest Movement, and Portuguese Africa, 1956­1988

    Ng'ang'a Muchiri
    Ng'ang'a Muchiri (English - Fall)
    Writing on the Soil: Literature's Influence on African Land Rights

    Alisa Be
    Alisa Be (English - Spring) 
    Women’s Participation in the Political Public Sphere: Redefining the Form of Narrative Satire, 1790-1880

    Rina Tzinman
    Rina Tzinman (Philosophy - Spring)
    Essays on the Body and the Self

  • 2013-2014 Fellows

    2013-2014 Faculty Fellows

    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014

    ‌Christina Civantos
    ‌Christina Civantos (Modern Languages and Literatures)
    The Mirror of Al-Andalus: Modern Uses of Medieval Spain in the Arab World and Beyond
     Amanullah De Sondy
    ‌Amanullah De Sondy  (Religious Studies)
    Christian and Muslim Masculinities: Robert Burns of Scotland and Mirza Ghalib of India

    ‌‌Viviana Díaz Balsera
    ‌‌Viviana Díaz Balsera  (Modern Languages and Literatures)
    Guardians of Idolatry: Conserving Gods, Angels and Demons in Colonial Mexico

     ‌Donette Francis
    ‌Donette Francis (English)
    The Novel 1960s: Form and Sensibilities in Caribbean Literary Culture
     ‌Richard Godbeer
    ‌Richard Godbeer (History)
    The Life and Times of Elizabeth and Henry Drinker
     ‌Michael Miller
    ‌Michael Miller (History)
    France and its Waterways
     ‌Nathan Timpano
    ‌Nathan Timpano (Art History)
    The Hysterical Muse: Art, Science & Theatre in fin-de-siècle Vienna and Munich


    2013-2014 Dissertation Fellows

    ‌Claudia Amadori
    ‌Claudia Amadori (English - Fall)
    Shifting Creole Identities: Representations of Creole Figures in Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Transatlantic Literature
    Amelia Hintzen
    ‌Amelia Hintzen (History - Spring)
    “El batey es una casa sola”: Kinship, Community and Resistance in the Dominican Sugar Industry, 1915-1990
    ‌Nurbay Irmak
    ‌Nurbay Irmak (Philosophy - Spring)
    Purpose-Relativity and Ontology

     Carolyn Zimmerman
    ‌Carolyn Zimmerman (History - Fall)
    Defeat, Civic Values, and the Intronati of Siena after 1555

  • 2012-2013 Fellows

    2012-2013 Faculty Fellows 

    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2013

    View Event Photos

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    ‌Edmund Abaka
    ‌Edmund Abaka (History)
    Africa in Cuba/Cuba in Africa: A Trans-Atlantic Relationship in the Crucible of Slavery, Revolution and Decolonization
    ‌Jane Alison
    ‌Jane Alison  (English)
    Stories of Sexual Metamorphosis from Ovid
    Suzanne Braswell
    ‌Suzanne Braswell  (Modern Languages and Literatures)
    Kinepoetics: Dance, French Modernity, and the Poetics of Lyric Mobility: Balzac, Mallarmé, Valéry

    ‌Maria Galli Stampino
    ‌Maria Galli Stampino (Modern Languages and Literatures)
    Between Commedia dell'arte and Theater of the Enlightenment: The Querelle between Carlo Gozzi and Carlo Goldoni

    ‌Stephen Halsey
    Stephen Halsey (History)
    The Quest for Power: European Imperialism and the Evolution of Chinese Statecraft, 1850-1911

     ‌Peter Lewis
    ‌Peter Lewis (Philosophy)
    Realism in Quantum Mechanics 

     ‌Wilson Shearin
    ‌Wilson Shearin (Classics)
    Thick-Witted Minerva: Stupidity in the Philosophical Culture of the Ancient Roman World

     2012-2013 Dissertation Fellows

    Marta Fernandez
    ‌Marta FernandezCampa (English - Spring)
    Contrapuntal Poetics: Mourning and Critical Engagement in Caribbean Artistic Expression
    Megan Hatfield
    ‌Megan Hatfield (History - Fall)
    Plantation Economies, Gender Politics, and the Eighteenth Century Atlantic: The World of Eliza Pinckney

    ‌Stephanie Selvick
    ‌Stephanie Selvick (English - Spring)
    Interrogating Violence and Sexuality in South African Literature and Culture

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  • 2011-2012 Fellows

    2011-2012 Faculty Fellows 

    Annual Fellows Symposium 
    Friday, October 19, 2012

    Download PDF‌ 2011 2012 Humanities Fellows Symposium

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    ‌Hermann Beck
    ‌Hermann Beck (History)
    Before the Holocaust: The Reaction of German Society to Anti-Semitic Attacks during the Nazi Seizure of Power
    ‌June Teufel-Dreyer
    ‌June Teufel-Dreyer (Political Science)
    Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun
    ‌Simon Evnine
    ‌Simon Evnine (Philosophy)
    Making Objects and Events: A Neo-Aristotelian Approach to Metaphysics

    ‌Jennifer Ferriss-Hill
    ‌Jennifer Ferriss-Hill (Classics)
    The Anonymous Interlocutor of Roman Satire: A Biography

     ‌Lillian Manzor
    ‌Lillian Manzor (Modern Languages and Literatures)
    Sites that Speak: Miami Through its Spanish Performing Arts Spaces 

    ‌Brenna Munro
    ‌Brenna Munro (English)
    The Postcolonial Politics of Stigma: Sexuality, Nation and Diaspora in Contemporary Nigerian Writing

    Kate Ramsey
    ‌Kate Ramsey (History)
    Colonialism and Magic in the French and British Empires, 1750-1900

    2011-2012 Dissertation Fellows

    Nick Wiltsher
    ‌Nick Wiltsher (Philosophy - Fall)
    The Structure of Sensory Imagination

    ‌Stephen Lazer
    ‌Stephen Lazer (History - Spring)
    French-German Encounters in Early Modern Alsace 1648-1789

  • 2010-2011 Fellows

    2010-2011 Faculty Fellows

    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2011

    Download PDF 2010 2011 Humanities Fellows Symposium

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    ‌Christine B. Arce
    ‌Christine B. Arce (Modern Languages & Literatures)
    Troping Mexico's Historical No-Bodies

     ‌Michael Bernath
    ‌Michael Bernath (History)
    Northern Teachers in the Old South and the Emergence of American Sectional Identity, 1793-1860

    ‌John Funchion (English)
    Divisible Pasts: Nostalgia and the Struggle to Imagine U.S. Culture, 1848-1929

    ‌Karl Gunther
    ‌Karl Gunther (History)
    The Ideological Origins of English Puritanism

    ‌Mark Rowlands
    Mark Rowlands (Philosophy)
    Good Dogs, Friends, and other Moral Subjects

     ‌Amie Thomasson
    ‌Amie Thomasson (Philosophy)
    The Descent of Metaphysics

    ‌Tim Watson
    ‌Tim Watson (English)
    Literature, Anthropology, and Empire in the 1950s

     2010-2011 Dissertation Fellows

     ‌‌Benoît Mauchamp
    ‌‌Benoît Mauchamp (Modern Languages & Literatures)
    A Journey through Reality towards an Anthropo-Semiotics of Travel Representation: Literature, Photography, Cinema

     ‌Silvia Mitchell
    ‌Silvia Mitchell (History)
    The Politics of Motherhood: Gender, Court, and Political Culture during the Regency and Exile of Queen Mariana of Austria, 1665-1680
    Jennifer Slivka
    ‌Jennifer Slivka (English)
    Strangers at Home: Threshold Identities in Contemporary Irish Women’s Writing
    Amanda Thibodeau
    ‌Amanda Thibodeau (English)
    Gender, Utopia, and Temporality in Women’s Science Fiction

    Aaron Wilson
    ‌Aaron Wilson (Philosophy)
    Pragmatist Empiricism: An Exposition and Defense

  • 2009-2010 Fellows

    2009-2010 Faculty Fellows

    Annual Fellows Symposium
    Friday, October 1, 2010

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    Eduardo Elena
    ‌‌ ‌Eduardo Elena (History)
    Consuming Dignity: The Politics of Citizenship and Consumption in Peronist Argentina

    ‌David W. Kling
    ‌David W. Kling (Religious Studies)
    A History of Christian Conversion 

    ‌‌Louis Herns Marcelin
    ‌‌Louis Herns Marcelin (Anthropology)
    Democratization, Social Identities, & Youth-Gang Violence in Haiti
     ‌Joel Nickels
    ‌Joel Nickels (English)
    The Art of the Possible: Spontaneity, Modernism and the Multitude 

    ‌Gema Pérez-Sánchez
    ‌Gema Pérez-Sánchez (Modern Languages and Literatures)
    Perilous Strai(gh)ts: Immigration, Sexuality and Race in Contemporary Spanish Culture 

    ‌Patricia J. Saunders
    ‌Patricia J. Saunders (English)
    Buyers Beware, Hoodwinking on the Rise: Epistemologies of Consumption in Jamaican Popular Culture

    ‌Hugh Thomas
    ‌Hugh Thomas (History)
    Between Earth and Heaven: English Secular Clerics and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance   

    2009-2010 Dissertation Fellows

    ‌Lauren Lane
    ‌Lauren Lane (History)
    Gender, Labor, and Virtue in Eighteenth-Century Georgia

     ‌Simonetta Marin
    ‌Simonetta Marin (History)
    The Reform of Popular Piety in the Closing Years of the Venetian Republic: 1770-1797
    Brian Mondy
    ‌Brian Mondy (Philosophy)
    Epistemic Actions
